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      青島希尼爾翻譯咨詢有限公司整理發(fā)布  2015-9-12 


      阿基米德蝸桿 Archimedes worm
      安全系數(shù) safety factor; factor of safety
      安全載荷 safe load
      凹面、凹度 concavity
      扳手 wrench
      板簧 flat leaf spring
      半圓鍵 woodruff key
      變形 deformation
      擺桿 oscillating bar
      擺動從動件 oscillating follower
      擺動從動件凸輪機(jī)構(gòu) cam with oscillating follower
      擺動導(dǎo)桿機(jī)構(gòu) oscillating guide-bar mechanism
      擺線齒輪 cycloidal gear
      擺線齒形 cycloidal tooth profile
      擺線運(yùn)動規(guī)律 cycloidal motion
      擺線針輪 cycloidal-pin wheel
      包角 angle of contact
      保持架 cage
      背對背安裝 back-to-back arrangement
      背錐 back cone ; normal cone
      背錐角 back angle
      背錐距 back cone distance
      比例尺 scale
      比熱容 specific heat capacity
      閉式鏈 closed kinematic chain
      閉鏈機(jī)構(gòu) closed chain mechanism
      臂部 arm
      變頻器 frequency converters
      變頻調(diào)速 frequency control of motor speed
      變速 speed change
      變速齒輪 change gear ; change wheel
      變位齒輪 modified gear
      變位系數(shù) modification coefficient
      標(biāo)準(zhǔn)齒輪 standard gear
      標(biāo)準(zhǔn)直齒輪 standard spur gear
      表面質(zhì)量系數(shù) superficial mass factor
      表面?zhèn)鳠嵯禂?shù) surface coefficient of heat transfer
      表面粗糙度 surface roughness
      并聯(lián)式組合 combination in parallel
      并聯(lián)機(jī)構(gòu) parallel mechanism
      并聯(lián)組合機(jī)構(gòu) parallel combined mechanism
      并行工程 concurrent engineering
      并行設(shè)計 concurred design, CD
      不平衡相位 phase angle of unbalance
      不平衡 imbalance (or unbalance)
      不平衡量 amount of unbalance
      不完全齒輪機(jī)構(gòu) intermittent gearing
      波發(fā)生器 wave generator
      波數(shù) number of waves
      補(bǔ)償 compensation
      參數(shù)化設(shè)計 parameterization design, PD
      殘余應(yīng)力 residual stress
      操縱及控制裝置 operation control device
      槽輪 Geneva wheel
      槽輪機(jī)構(gòu) Geneva mechanism ; Maltese cross
      槽數(shù) Geneva numerate
      槽凸輪 groove cam
      側(cè)隙 backlash
      差動輪系 differential gear train
      差動螺旋機(jī)構(gòu) differential screw mechanism
      差速器 differential
      常用機(jī)構(gòu) conventional mechanism; mechanism in common use
      車床 lathe
      承載量系數(shù) bearing capacity factor
      承載能力 bearing capacity
      成對安裝 paired mounting
      尺寸系列 dimension series
      齒槽 tooth space
      齒槽寬 spacewidth
      齒側(cè)間隙 backlash
      齒頂高 addendum
      齒頂圓 addendum circle
      齒根高 dedendum
      齒根圓 dedendum circle
      齒厚 tooth thickness
      齒距 circular pitch
      齒寬 face width
      齒廓 tooth profile
      齒廓曲線 tooth curve
      齒輪 gear
      齒輪變速箱 speed-changing gear boxes
      齒輪齒條機(jī)構(gòu) pinion and rack
      齒輪插刀 pinion cutter; pinion-shaped shaper cutter
      齒輪滾刀 hob ,hobbing cutter
      齒輪機(jī)構(gòu) gear
      齒輪輪坯 blank
      齒輪傳動系 pinion unit
      齒輪聯(lián)軸器 gear coupling
      齒條傳動 rack gear
      齒數(shù) tooth number
      齒數(shù)比 gear ratio
      齒條 rack
      齒條插刀 rack cutter; rack-shaped shaper cutter
      齒形鏈、無聲鏈 silent chain
      齒形系數(shù) form factor
      齒式棘輪機(jī)構(gòu) tooth ratchet mechanism
      插齒機(jī) gear shaper
      重合點(diǎn) coincident points
      重合度 contact ratio
      沖床 punch
      傳動比 transmission ratio, speed ratio
      傳動裝置 gearing; transmission gear
      傳動系統(tǒng) driven system
      傳動角 transmission angle
      傳動軸 transmission shaft
      串聯(lián)式組合 combination in series
      串聯(lián)式組合機(jī)構(gòu) series combined mechanism
      串級調(diào)速 cascade speed control
      創(chuàng)新 innovation ; creation
      創(chuàng)新設(shè)計 creation design
      垂直載荷、法向載荷 normal load
      唇形橡膠密封 lip rubber seal
      磁流體軸承 magnetic fluid bearing
      從動帶輪 driven pulley
      從動件 driven link, follower
      從動件平底寬度 width of flat-face
      從動件停歇 follower dwell
      從動件運(yùn)動規(guī)律 follower motion
      從動輪 driven gear
      粗線 bold line
      粗牙螺紋 coarse thread
      大齒輪 gear wheel
      打包機(jī) packer
      打滑 slipping
      帶傳動 belt driving
      帶輪 belt pulley
      帶式制動器 band brake
      單列軸承 single row bearing
      單向推力軸承 single-direction thrust bearing
      單萬向聯(lián)軸節(jié) single universal joint
      單位矢量 unit vector
      當(dāng)量齒輪 equivalent spur gear; virtual gear
      當(dāng)量齒數(shù) equivalent teeth number; virtual number of teeth
      當(dāng)量摩擦系數(shù) equivalent coefficient of friction
      當(dāng)量載荷 equivalent load
      刀具 cutter
      導(dǎo)數(shù) derivative
      倒角 chamfer
      導(dǎo)熱性 conduction of heat
      導(dǎo)程 lead
      導(dǎo)程角 lead angle
      等加等減速運(yùn)動規(guī)律 parabolic motion; constant acceleration and deceleration motion
      等速運(yùn)動規(guī)律 uniform motion; constant velocity motion
      等徑凸輪 conjugate yoke radial cam
      等寬凸輪 constant-breadth cam
      等效構(gòu)件 equivalent link
      等效力 equivalent force
      等效力矩 equivalent moment of force
      等效量 equivalent
      等效質(zhì)量 equivalent mass
      等效轉(zhuǎn)動慣量 equivalent moment of inertia
      等效動力學(xué)模型 dynamically equivalent model
      底座 chassis
      低副 lower pair
      點(diǎn)劃線 chain dotted line
      (疲勞)點(diǎn)蝕 pitting
      墊圈 gasket
      墊片密封 gasket seal
      碟形彈簧 belleville spring
      頂隙 bottom clearance
      定軸輪系 ordinary gear train; gear train with fixed axes
      動力學(xué) dynamics
      動密封 kinematical seal
      動能 dynamic energy
      動力粘度 dynamic viscosity
      動力潤滑 dynamic lubrication
      動平衡 dynamic balance
      動平衡機(jī) dynamic balancing machine
      動態(tài)特性 dynamic characteristics
      動態(tài)分析設(shè)計 dynamic analysis design
      動壓力 dynamic reaction
      動載荷 dynamic load
      端面 transverse plane
      端面參數(shù) transverse parameters
      端面齒距 transverse circular pitch
      端面齒廓 transverse tooth profile
      端面重合度 transverse contact ratio
      端面模數(shù) transverse module
      端面壓力角 transverse pressure angle
      鍛造 forge
      對稱循環(huán)應(yīng)力 symmetry circulating stress
      對心滾子從動件 radial (or in-line ) roller follower
      對心直動從動件 radial (or in-line ) translating follower
      對心移動從動件 radial reciprocating follower
      對心曲柄滑塊機(jī)構(gòu) in-line slider-crank (or crank-slider) mechanism
      多列軸承 multi-row bearing
      多楔帶 poly V-belt
      多項式運(yùn)動規(guī)律 polynomial motion
      多質(zhì)量轉(zhuǎn)子 rotor with several masses
      惰輪 idle gear
      額定壽命 rating life
      額定載荷 load rating
      II 級桿組 dyad
      發(fā)生線 generating line
      發(fā)生面 generating plane
      法面 normal plane
      法面參數(shù) normal parameters
      法面齒距 normal circular pitch
      法面模數(shù) normal module
      法面壓力角 normal pressure angle
      法向齒距 normal pitch
      法向齒廓 normal tooth profile
      法向直廓蝸桿 straight sided normal worm
      法向力 normal force
      反饋式組合 feedback combining
      反向運(yùn)動學(xué) inverse ( or backward) kinematics
      反轉(zhuǎn)法 kinematic inversion
      反正切 Arctan
      范成法 generating cutting
      仿形法 form cutting
      方案設(shè)計、概念設(shè)計 concept design, CD
      防振裝置 shockproof device
      飛輪 flywheel
      飛輪矩 moment of flywheel
      非標(biāo)準(zhǔn)齒輪 nonstandard gear
      非接觸式密封 non-contact seal
      非周期性速度波動 aperiodic speed fluctuation
      非圓齒輪 non-circular gear
      粉末合金 powder metallurgy
      分度線 reference line; standard pitch line
      分度圓 reference circle; standard (cutting) pitch circle
      分度圓柱導(dǎo)程角 lead angle at reference cylinder
      分度圓柱螺旋角 helix angle at reference cylinder
      分母 denominator
      分子 numerator
      分度圓錐 reference cone; standard pitch cone
      分析法 analytical method
      封閉差動輪系 planetary differential
      復(fù)合鉸鏈 compound hinge
      復(fù)合式組合 compound combining
      復(fù)合輪系 compound (or combined) gear train
      復(fù)合平帶 compound flat belt
      復(fù)合應(yīng)力 combined stress
      復(fù)式螺旋機(jī)構(gòu) Compound screw mechanism
      復(fù)雜機(jī)構(gòu)  complex mechanism
      桿組 Assur group
      干涉 interference
      剛度系數(shù) stiffness coefficient
      剛輪 rigid circular spline
      鋼絲軟軸 wire soft shaft
      剛體導(dǎo)引機(jī)構(gòu) body guidance mechanism
      剛性沖擊 rigid impulse (shock)
      剛性轉(zhuǎn)子 rigid rotor
      剛性軸承 rigid bearing
      剛性聯(lián)軸器 rigid coupling
      高度系列 height series
      高速帶 high speed belt
      高副 higher pair
      格拉曉夫定理 Grashoff`s law
      根切 undercutting
      公稱直徑 nominal diameter
      高度系列 height series
      功 work
      工況系數(shù) application factor
      工藝設(shè)計 technological design
      工作循環(huán)圖 working cycle diagram
      工作機(jī)構(gòu) operation mechanism
      工作載荷 external loads
      工作空間 working space
      工作應(yīng)力 working stress
      工作阻力 effective resistance
      工作阻力矩 effective resistance moment
      公法線 common normal line
      公共約束 general constraint
      公制齒輪 metric gears
      功率 power
      功能分析設(shè)計 function analyses design
      共軛齒廓 conjugate profiles
      共軛凸輪 conjugate cam
      構(gòu)件 link
      鼓風(fēng)機(jī) blower
      固定構(gòu)件 fixed link; frame
      固體潤滑劑 solid lubricant
      關(guān)節(jié)型操作器 jointed manipulator
      慣性力 inertia force
      慣性力矩 moment of inertia ,shaking moment
      慣性力平衡 balance of shaking force
      慣性力完全平衡 full balance of shaking force
      慣性力部分平衡 partial balance of shaking force
      慣性主矩 resultant moment of inertia
      慣性主失 resultant vector of inertia
      冠輪 crown gear
      廣義機(jī)構(gòu) generation mechanism
      廣義坐標(biāo) generalized coordinate
      軌跡生成 path generation
      軌跡發(fā)生器 path generator
      滾刀 hob
      滾道 raceway
      滾動體 rolling element
      滾動軸承 rolling bearing
      滾動軸承代號 rolling bearing identification code
      滾針 needle roller
      滾針軸承 needle roller bearing
      滾子 roller
      滾子軸承 roller bearing
      滾子半徑 radius of roller
      滾子從動件 roller follower
      滾子鏈 roller chain
      滾子鏈聯(lián)軸器 double roller chain coupling
      滾珠絲桿 ball screw
      滾柱式單向超越離合器 roller clutch
      過度切割 undercutting
      函數(shù)發(fā)生器 function generator
      函數(shù)生成 function generation
      含油軸承 oil bearing
      耗油量 oil consumption
      耗油量系數(shù) oil consumption factor
      赫茲公式 H. Hertz equation
      合成彎矩 resultant bending moment
      合力 resultant force
      合力矩 resultant moment of force
      黑箱 black box
      橫坐標(biāo) abscissa
      互換性齒輪 interchangeable gears
      花鍵 spline
      滑鍵、導(dǎo)鍵 feather key
      滑動軸承 sliding bearing
      滑動率 sliding ratio
      滑塊 slider
      環(huán)面蝸桿 toroid helicoids worm
      環(huán)形彈簧 annular spring
      緩沖裝置 shocks; shock-absorber
      灰鑄鐵 grey cast iron
      回程 return
      回轉(zhuǎn)體平衡 balance of rotors
      混合輪系  compound gear train
      積分 integrate
      機(jī)電一體化系統(tǒng)設(shè)計 mechanical-electrical integration system design
      機(jī)構(gòu) mechanism
      機(jī)構(gòu)分析 analysis of mechanism
      機(jī)構(gòu)平衡 balance of mechanism
      機(jī)構(gòu)學(xué) mechanism
      機(jī)構(gòu)運(yùn)動設(shè)計 kinematic design of mechanism
      機(jī)構(gòu)運(yùn)動簡圖 kinematic sketch of mechanism
      機(jī)構(gòu)綜合 synthesis of mechanism
      機(jī)構(gòu)組成 constitution of mechanism
      機(jī)架 frame, fixed link
      機(jī)架變換 kinematic inversion
      機(jī)器 machine
      機(jī)器人 robot
      機(jī)器人操作器 manipulator
      機(jī)器人學(xué) robotics
      技術(shù)過程 technique process
      技術(shù)經(jīng)濟(jì)評價 technical and economic evaluation
      技術(shù)系統(tǒng) technique system
      機(jī)械 machinery
      機(jī)械創(chuàng)新設(shè)計 mechanical creation design, MCD
      機(jī)械系統(tǒng)設(shè)計 mechanical system design, MSD
      機(jī)械動力分析 dynamic analysis of machinery
      機(jī)械動力設(shè)計 dynamic design of machinery
      機(jī)械動力學(xué) dynamics of machinery
      機(jī)械的現(xiàn)代設(shè)計 modern machine design
      機(jī)械系統(tǒng) mechanical system
      機(jī)械利益 mechanical advantage
      機(jī)械平衡 balance of machinery
      機(jī)械手 manipulator
      機(jī)械設(shè)計 machine design; mechanical design
      機(jī)械特性 mechanical behavior
      機(jī)械調(diào)速 mechanical speed governors
      機(jī)械效率 mechanical efficiency
      機(jī)械原理 theory of machines and mechanisms
      機(jī)械運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn)不均勻系數(shù) coefficient of speed fluctuation
      機(jī)械無級變速 mechanical stepless speed changes
      基礎(chǔ)機(jī)構(gòu) fundamental mechanism
      基本額定壽命 basic rating life
      基于實(shí)例設(shè)計 case-based design,CBD
      基圓 base circle
      基圓半徑 radius of base circle
      基圓齒距 base pitch
      基圓壓力角 pressure angle of base circle
      基圓柱 base cylinder
      基圓錐 base cone
      急回機(jī)構(gòu) quick-return mechanism
      急回特性 quick-return characteristics
      急回系數(shù) advance-to return-time ratio
      急回運(yùn)動 quick-return motion
      棘輪 ratchet
      棘輪機(jī)構(gòu) ratchet mechanism
      棘爪 pawl
      極限位置 extreme (or limiting) position
      極位夾角 crank angle between extreme (or limiting) positions
      計算機(jī)輔助設(shè)計 computer aided design, CAD
      計算機(jī)輔助制造 computer aided manufacturing, CAM
      計算機(jī)集成制造系統(tǒng) computer integrated manufacturing system, CIMS
      計算力矩 factored moment; calculation moment
      計算彎矩 calculated bending moment
      加權(quán)系數(shù) weighting efficient
      加速度 acceleration
      加速度分析 acceleration analysis
      加速度曲線 acceleration diagram
      尖點(diǎn) pointing; cusp
      尖底從動件 knife-edge follower
      間隙 backlash
      間歇運(yùn)動機(jī)構(gòu) intermittent motion mechanism
      減速比 reduction ratio
      減速齒輪、減速裝置 reduction gear
      減速器 speed reducer
      減摩性 anti-friction quality
      漸開螺旋面 involute helicoid
      漸開線 involute
      漸開線齒廓 involute profile
      漸開線齒輪 involute gear
      漸開線發(fā)生線 generating line of involute
      漸開線方程 involute equation
      漸開線函數(shù) involute function
      漸開線蝸桿 involute worm
      漸開線壓力角 pressure angle of involute
      漸開線花鍵 involute spline
      簡諧運(yùn)動 simple harmonic motion
      鍵 key
      鍵槽 keyway
      交變應(yīng)力 repeated stress
      交變載荷 repeated fluctuating load
      交叉帶傳動 cross-belt drive
      交錯軸斜齒輪 crossed helical gears
      膠合 scoring
      角加速度 angular acceleration
      角速度 angular velocity
      角速比 angular velocity ratio
      角接觸球軸承 angular contact ball bearing
      角接觸推力軸承 angular contact thrust bearing
      角接觸向心軸承 angular contact radial bearing
      角接觸軸承 angular contact bearing
      鉸鏈、樞紐 hinge
      校正平面 correcting plane
      接觸應(yīng)力 contact stress
      接觸式密封 contact seal
      階梯軸 multi-diameter shaft
      結(jié)構(gòu) structure
      結(jié)構(gòu)設(shè)計 structural design
      截面 section
      節(jié)點(diǎn) pitch point
      節(jié)距 circular pitch; pitch of teeth
      節(jié)線 pitch line
      節(jié)圓 pitch circle
      節(jié)圓齒厚 thickness on pitch circle
      節(jié)圓直徑 pitch diameter
      節(jié)圓錐 pitch cone
      節(jié)圓錐角 pitch cone angle
      解析設(shè)計 analytical design
      緊邊 tight-side
      緊固件 fastener
      徑節(jié) diametral pitch
      徑向 radial direction
      徑向當(dāng)量動載荷 dynamic equivalent radial load
      徑向當(dāng)量靜載荷 static equivalent radial load
      徑向基本額定動載荷 basic dynamic radial load rating
      徑向基本額定靜載荷 basic static radial load tating
      徑向接觸軸承 radial contact bearing
      徑向平面 radial plane
      徑向游隙 radial internal clearance
      徑向載荷 radial load
      徑向載荷系數(shù) radial load factor
      徑向間隙 clearance
      靜力 static force
      靜平衡 static balance
      靜載荷 static load
      靜密封 static seal
      局部自由度 passive degree of freedom
      矩陣 matrix
      矩形螺紋 square threaded form
      鋸齒形螺紋 buttress thread form
      矩形牙嵌式離合器 square-jaw positive-contact clutch
      絕對尺寸系數(shù) absolute dimensional factor
      絕對運(yùn)動 absolute motion
      絕對速度 absolute velocity
      均衡裝置 load balancing mechanism
      抗壓強(qiáng)度 compression strength
      開口傳動 open-belt drive
      開式鏈 open kinematic chain
      開鏈機(jī)構(gòu) open chain mechanism
      可靠度 degree of reliability
      可靠性 reliability
      可靠性設(shè)計 reliability design, RD
      空氣彈簧 air spring
      空間機(jī)構(gòu) spatial mechanism
      空間連桿機(jī)構(gòu) spatial linkage
      空間凸輪機(jī)構(gòu) spatial cam
      空間運(yùn)動副 spatial kinematic pair
      空間運(yùn)動鏈 spatial kinematic chain
      空轉(zhuǎn) idle
      寬度系列 width series
      框圖 block diagram
      雷諾方程 Reynolds‘s equation
      離心力 centrifugal force
      離心應(yīng)力 centrifugal stress
      離合器 clutch
      離心密封 centrifugal seal
      理論廓線 pitch curve
      理論嚙合線 theoretical line of action
      隸屬度 membership
      力 force
      力多邊形 force polygon
      力封閉型凸輪機(jī)構(gòu) force-drive (or force-closed) cam mechanism
      力矩 moment
      力平衡 equilibrium
      力偶 couple
      力偶矩 moment of couple
      連桿 connecting rod, coupler
      連桿機(jī)構(gòu) linkage
      連桿曲線 coupler-curve
      連心線 line of centers
      鏈 chain
      鏈傳動裝置 chain gearing
      鏈輪 sprocket ; sprocket-wheel ; sprocket gear ; chain wheel
      聯(lián)組 V 帶 tight-up V belt
      聯(lián)軸器 coupling ; shaft coupling
      兩維凸輪 two-dimensional cam
      臨界轉(zhuǎn)速 critical speed
      六桿機(jī)構(gòu) six-bar linkage
      龍門刨床 double Haas planer
      輪坯 blank
      輪系 gear train
      螺桿 screw
      螺距 thread pitch
      螺母 screw nut
      螺旋錐齒輪 helical bevel gear
      螺釘 screws
      螺栓 bolts
      螺紋導(dǎo)程 lead
      螺紋效率 screw efficiency
      螺旋傳動 power screw
      螺旋密封 spiral seal
      螺紋 thread (of a screw)
      螺旋副 helical pair
      螺旋機(jī)構(gòu) screw mechanism
      螺旋角 helix angle
      螺旋線 helix ,helical line
      綠色設(shè)計 green design ; design for environment
      馬耳他機(jī)構(gòu) Geneva wheel ; Geneva gear
      馬耳他十字 Maltese cross
      脈動無級變速 pulsating stepless speed changes
      脈動循環(huán)應(yīng)力 fluctuating circulating stress
      脈動載荷 fluctuating load
      鉚釘 rivet
      迷宮密封 labyrinth seal
      密封 seal
      密封帶 seal belt
      密封膠 seal gum
      密封元件 potted component
      密封裝置 sealing arrangement
      面對面安裝 face-to-face arrangement
      面向產(chǎn)品生命周期設(shè)計 design for product`s life cycle, DPLC
      名義應(yīng)力、公稱應(yīng)力 nominal stress
      模塊化設(shè)計 modular design, MD
      模塊式傳動系統(tǒng) modular system
      模幅箱 morphology box
      模糊集 fuzzy set
      模糊評價 fuzzy evaluation
      模數(shù) module
      摩擦 friction
      摩擦角 friction angle
      摩擦力 friction force
      摩擦學(xué)設(shè)計 tribology design, TD
      摩擦阻力 frictional resistance
      摩擦力矩 friction moment
      摩擦系數(shù) coefficient of friction
      摩擦圓 friction circle
      磨損 abrasion ;wear; scratching
      末端執(zhí)行器 end-effector
      目標(biāo)函數(shù) objective function
      耐腐蝕性 corrosion resistance
      耐磨性 wear resistance
      撓性機(jī)構(gòu) mechanism with flexible elements
      撓性轉(zhuǎn)子 flexible rotor
      內(nèi)齒輪 internal gear
      內(nèi)齒圈 ring gear
      內(nèi)力 internal force
      內(nèi)圈 inner ring
      能量 energy
      能量指示圖 viscosity
      逆時針 counterclockwise (or anticlockwise)
      嚙出 engaging-out
      嚙合 engagement, mesh, gearing
      嚙合點(diǎn) contact points
      嚙合角 working pressure angle
      嚙合線 line of action
      嚙合線長度 length of line of action
      嚙入 engaging-in
      牛頭刨床 shaper
      凝固點(diǎn) freezing point; solidifying point
      扭轉(zhuǎn)應(yīng)力 torsion stress
      扭矩 moment of torque
      扭簧 helical torsion spring
      諾模圖 Nomogram
      O 形密封圈密封 O ring seal
      盤形凸輪 disk cam
      盤形轉(zhuǎn)子 disk-like rotor
      拋物線運(yùn)動 parabolic motion
      疲勞極限 fatigue limit
      疲勞強(qiáng)度 fatigue strength
      偏置式 offset
      偏 ( 心 ) 距 offset distance
      偏心率 eccentricity ratio
      偏心質(zhì)量 eccentric mass
      偏距圓 offset circle
      偏心盤 eccentric
      偏置滾子從動件 offset roller follower
      偏置尖底從動件 offset knife-edge follower
      偏置曲柄滑塊機(jī)構(gòu) offset slider-crank mechanism
      拼接 matching
      評價與決策 evaluation and decision
      頻率 frequency
      平帶 flat belt
      平帶傳動 flat belt driving
      平底從動件 flat-face follower
      平底寬度 face width
      平分線 bisector
      平均應(yīng)力 average stress
      平均中徑 mean screw diameter
      平均速度 average velocity
      平衡 balance
      平衡機(jī) balancing machine
      平衡品質(zhì) balancing quality
      平衡平面 correcting plane
      平衡質(zhì)量 balancing mass
      平衡重 counterweight
      平衡轉(zhuǎn)速 balancing speed
      平面副 planar pair, flat pair
      平面機(jī)構(gòu) planar mechanism
      平面運(yùn)動副 planar kinematic pair
      平面連桿機(jī)構(gòu) planar linkage
      平面凸輪 planar cam
      平面凸輪機(jī)構(gòu) planar cam mechanism
      平面軸斜齒輪 parallel helical gears
      普通平鍵 parallel key
      其他常用機(jī)構(gòu) other mechanism in common use
      起動階段 starting period
      啟動力矩 starting torque
      氣動機(jī)構(gòu) pneumatic mechanism
      奇異位置 singular position
      起始嚙合點(diǎn) initial contact , beginning of contact
      氣體軸承 gas bearing
      千斤頂 jack
      嵌入鍵 sunk key
      強(qiáng)迫振動 forced vibration
      切齒深度 depth of cut
      曲柄 crank
      曲柄存在條件 Grashoff`s law
      曲柄導(dǎo)桿機(jī)構(gòu) crank shaper (guide-bar) mechanism
      曲柄滑塊機(jī)構(gòu) slider-crank (or crank-slider) mechanism
      曲柄搖桿機(jī)構(gòu) crank-rocker mechanism
      曲齒錐齒輪 spiral bevel gear
      曲率 curvature
      曲率半徑 radius of curvature
      曲面從動件 curved-shoe follower
      曲線拼接 curve matching
      曲線運(yùn)動 curvilinear motion
      曲軸 crank shaft
      驅(qū)動力 driving force
      驅(qū)動力矩 driving moment (torque)
      全齒高 whole depth
      權(quán)重集 weight sets
      球 ball
      球面滾子 convex roller
      球軸承 ball bearing
      球面副 spheric pair
      球面漸開線 spherical involute
      球面運(yùn)動 spherical motion
      球銷副 sphere-pin pair
      球坐標(biāo)操作器 polar coordinate manipulator
      燃點(diǎn) spontaneous ignition
      熱平衡 heat balance; thermal equilibrium
      人字齒輪 herringbone gear
      冗余自由度 redundant degree of freedom
      柔輪 flexspline
      柔性沖擊 flexible impulse; soft shock
      柔性制造系統(tǒng) flexible manufacturing system; FMS
      柔性自動化 flexible automation
      潤滑油膜 lubricant film
      潤滑裝置 lubrication device
      潤滑 lubrication
      潤滑劑 lubricant
      三角形花鍵 serration spline
      三角形螺紋 V thread screw
      三維凸輪 three-dimensional cam
      三心定理 Kennedy`s theorem
      砂輪越程槽 grinding wheel groove
      砂漏 hour-glass
      少齒差行星傳動 planetary drive with small teeth difference
      設(shè)計方法學(xué) design methodology
      設(shè)計變量 design variable
      設(shè)計約束 design constraints
      深溝球軸承 deep groove ball bearing
      生產(chǎn)阻力 productive resistance
      升程 rise
      升距 lift
      實(shí)際廓線 cam profile
      十字滑塊聯(lián)軸器 double slider coupling; Oldham‘s coupling
      矢量 vector
      輸出功 output work
      輸出構(gòu)件 output link
      輸出機(jī)構(gòu) output mechanism
      輸出力矩 output torque
      輸出軸 output shaft
      輸入構(gòu)件 input link
      數(shù)學(xué)模型 mathematic model
      實(shí)際嚙合線 actual line of action
      雙滑塊機(jī)構(gòu) double-slider mechanism, ellipsograph
      雙曲柄機(jī)構(gòu) double crank mechanism
      雙曲面齒輪 hyperboloid gear
      雙頭螺柱 studs
      雙萬向聯(lián)軸節(jié) constant-velocity (or double) universal joint
      雙搖桿機(jī)構(gòu) double rocker mechanism
      雙轉(zhuǎn)塊機(jī)構(gòu) Oldham coupling
      雙列軸承 double row bearing
      雙向推力軸承 double-direction thrust bearing
      松邊 slack-side
      順時針 clockwise
      瞬心 instantaneous center
      死點(diǎn) dead point
      四桿機(jī)構(gòu) four-bar linkage
      速度 velocity
      速度不均勻 ( 波動 ) 系數(shù) coefficient of speed fluctuation
      速度波動 speed fluctuation
      速度曲線 velocity diagram
      速度瞬心 instantaneous center of velocity
      塔輪 step pulley
      踏板 pedal
      臺鉗、虎鉗 vice
      太陽輪 sun gear
      彈性滑動 elasticity sliding motion
      彈性聯(lián)軸器 elastic coupling ; flexible coupling
      彈性套柱銷聯(lián)軸器 rubber-cushioned sleeve bearing coupling
      套筒 sleeve
      梯形螺紋 acme thread form
      特殊運(yùn)動鏈 special kinematic chain
      特性 characteristics
      替代機(jī)構(gòu) equivalent mechanism
      調(diào)節(jié) modulation, regulation
      調(diào)心滾子軸承 self-aligning roller bearing
      調(diào)心球軸承 self-aligning ball bearing
      調(diào)心軸承 self-aligning bearing
      調(diào)速 speed governing
      調(diào)速電動機(jī) adjustable speed motors
      調(diào)速系統(tǒng) speed control system
      調(diào)壓調(diào)速 variable voltage control
      調(diào)速器 regulator, governor
      鐵磁流體密封 ferrofluid seal
      停車階段 stopping phase
      停歇 dwell
      同步帶 synchronous belt
      同步帶傳動 synchronous belt drive
      凸的,凸面體 convex
      凸輪 cam
      凸輪倒置機(jī)構(gòu) inverse cam mechanism
      凸輪機(jī)構(gòu) cam , cam mechanism
      凸輪廓線 cam profile
      凸輪廓線繪制 layout of cam profile
      凸輪理論廓線 pitch curve
      凸緣聯(lián)軸器 flange coupling
      圖冊、圖譜 atlas
      圖解法 graphical method
      推程 rise
      推力球軸承 thrust ball bearing
      推力軸承 thrust bearing
      退刀槽 tool withdrawal groove
      退火 anneal
      陀螺儀 gyroscope
      V 帶 V belt
      外力 external force
      外圈 outer ring
      外形尺寸 boundary dimension
      萬向聯(lián)軸器 Hooks coupling ; universal coupling
      外齒輪 external gear
      彎曲應(yīng)力 beading stress
      彎矩 bending moment
      腕部 wrist
      往復(fù)移動 reciprocating motion
      往復(fù)式密封 reciprocating seal
      網(wǎng)上設(shè)計 on-net design, OND
      微動螺旋機(jī)構(gòu) differential screw mechanism
      位移 displacement
      位移曲線 displacement diagram
      位姿 pose , position and orientation
      穩(wěn)定運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn)階段 steady motion period
      穩(wěn)健設(shè)計 robust design
      蝸桿 worm
      蝸桿傳動機(jī)構(gòu) worm gearing
      蝸桿頭數(shù) number of threads
      蝸桿直徑系數(shù) diametral quotient
      蝸桿蝸輪機(jī)構(gòu) worm and worm gear
      蝸桿形凸輪步進(jìn)機(jī)構(gòu) worm cam interval mechanism
      蝸桿旋向 hands of worm
      蝸輪 worm gear
      渦圈形盤簧 power spring
      無級變速裝置 stepless speed changes devices
      無窮大 infinite
      系桿 crank arm, planet carrier
      現(xiàn)場平衡 field balancing
      向心軸承 radial bearing
      向心力 centrifugal force
      相對速度 relative velocity
      相對運(yùn)動 relative motion
      相對間隙 relative gap
      象限 quadrant
      橡皮泥 plasticine
      細(xì)牙螺紋 fine threads
      銷 pin
      消耗 consumption
      小齒輪 pinion
      小徑 minor diameter
      橡膠彈簧 balata spring
      修正梯形加速度運(yùn)動規(guī)律 modified trapezoidal acceleration motion
      修正正弦加速度運(yùn)動規(guī)律 modified sine acceleration motion
      斜齒圓柱齒輪 helical gear
      斜鍵、鉤頭楔鍵 taper key
      泄漏 leakage
      諧波齒輪 harmonic gear
      諧波傳動 harmonic driving
      諧波發(fā)生器 harmonic generator
      斜齒輪的當(dāng)量直齒輪 equivalent spur gear of the helical gear
      心軸 spindle
      行程速度變化系數(shù) coefficient of travel speed variation
      行程速比系數(shù) advance-to return-time ratio
      行星齒輪裝置 planetary transmission
      行星輪 planet gear
      行星輪變速裝置 planetary speed changing devices
      行星輪系 planetary gear train
      形封閉凸輪機(jī)構(gòu) positive-drive (or form-closed) cam mechanism
      虛擬現(xiàn)實(shí) virtual reality
      虛擬現(xiàn)實(shí)技術(shù) virtual reality technology, VRT
      虛擬現(xiàn)實(shí)設(shè)計 virtual reality design, VRD
      虛約束 redundant (or passive) constraint
      許用不平衡量 allowable amount of unbalance
      許用壓力角 allowable pressure angle
      許用應(yīng)力 allowable stress; permissible stress
      懸臂結(jié)構(gòu) cantilever structure
      懸臂梁 cantilever beam
      循環(huán)功率流 circulating power load
      旋轉(zhuǎn)力矩 running torque
      旋轉(zhuǎn)式密封 rotating seal
      旋轉(zhuǎn)運(yùn)動 rotary motion
      選型 type selection
      壓力 pressure
      壓力中心 center of pressure
      壓縮機(jī) compressor
      壓應(yīng)力 compressive stress
      壓力角 pressure angle
      牙嵌式聯(lián)軸器 jaw (teeth) positive-contact coupling
      雅可比矩陣 Jacobi matrix
      搖桿 rocker
      液力傳動 hydrodynamic drive
      液力耦合器 hydraulic couplers
      液體彈簧 liquid spring
      液壓無級變速 hydraulic stepless speed changes
      液壓機(jī)構(gòu) hydraulic mechanism
      一般化運(yùn)動鏈 generalized kinematic chain
      移動從動件 reciprocating follower
      移動副 prismatic pair, sliding pair
      移動關(guān)節(jié) prismatic joint
      移動凸輪 wedge cam
      盈虧功 increment or decrement work
      應(yīng)力幅 stress amplitude
      應(yīng)力集中 stress concentration
      應(yīng)力集中系數(shù) factor of stress concentration
      應(yīng)力圖 stress diagram
      應(yīng)力 — 應(yīng)變圖 stress-strain diagram
      優(yōu)化設(shè)計 optimal design
      油杯 oil bottle
      油壺 oil can
      油溝密封 oily ditch seal
      有害阻力 useless resistance
      有益阻力 useful resistance
      有效拉力 effective tension
      有效圓周力 effective circle force
      有害阻力 detrimental resistance
      余弦加速度運(yùn)動 cosine acceleration (or simple harmonic) motion
      預(yù)緊力 preload
      原動機(jī) primer mover
      圓帶 round belt
      圓帶傳動 round belt drive
      圓弧齒厚 circular thickness
      圓弧圓柱蝸桿 hollow flank worm
      圓角半徑 fillet radius
      圓盤摩擦離合器 disc friction clutch
      圓盤制動器 disc brake
      原動機(jī) prime mover
      原始機(jī)構(gòu) original mechanism
      圓形齒輪 circular gear
      圓柱滾子 cylindrical roller
      圓柱滾子軸承 cylindrical roller bearing
      圓柱副 cylindric pair
      圓柱式凸輪步進(jìn)運(yùn)動機(jī)構(gòu) barrel (cylindric) cam
      圓柱螺旋拉伸彈簧 cylindroid helical-coil extension spring
      圓柱螺旋扭轉(zhuǎn)彈簧 cylindroid helical-coil torsion spring
      圓柱螺旋壓縮彈簧 cylindroid helical-coil compression spring
      圓柱凸輪 cylindrical cam
      圓柱蝸桿 cylindrical worm
      圓柱坐標(biāo)操作器 cylindrical coordinate manipulator
      圓錐螺旋扭轉(zhuǎn)彈簧 conoid helical-coil compression spring
      圓錐滾子 tapered roller
      圓錐滾子軸承 tapered roller bearing
      圓錐齒輪機(jī)構(gòu) bevel gears
      圓錐角 cone angle
      原動件 driving link
      約束 constraint
      約束條件 constraint condition
      約束反力 constraining force
      躍度 jerk
      躍度曲線 jerk diagram
      運(yùn)動倒置 kinematic inversion
      運(yùn)動方案設(shè)計 kinematic precept design
      運(yùn)動分析 kinematic analysis
      運(yùn)動副 kinematic pair
      運(yùn)動構(gòu)件 moving link
      運(yùn)動簡圖 kinematic sketch
      運(yùn)動鏈 kinematic chain
      運(yùn)動失真 undercutting
      運(yùn)動設(shè)計 kinematic design
      運(yùn)動周期 cycle of motion
      運(yùn)動綜合 kinematic synthesis
      運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn)不均勻系數(shù) coefficient of velocity fluctuation
      運(yùn)動粘度 kenematic viscosity
      載荷 load
      載荷 — 變形曲線 load—deformation curve
      載荷 — 變形圖 load—deformation diagram
      窄 V 帶 narrow V belt
      氈圈密封 felt ring seal
      展成法 generating
      張緊力 tension
      張緊輪 tension pulley
      振動 vibration
      振動力矩 shaking couple
      振動頻率 frequency of vibration
      振幅 amplitude of vibration
      正切機(jī)構(gòu) tangent mechanism
      正向運(yùn)動學(xué) direct (forward) kinematics
      正弦機(jī)構(gòu) sine generator, scotch yoke
      織布機(jī) loom
      正應(yīng)力、法向應(yīng)力 normal stress
      制動器 brake
      直齒圓柱齒輪 spur gear
      直齒錐齒輪 straight bevel gear
      直角三角形 right triangle
      直角坐標(biāo)操作器 Cartesian coordinate manipulator
      直徑系數(shù) diametral quotient
      直徑系列 diameter series
      直廓環(huán)面蝸桿 hindley worm
      直線運(yùn)動 linear motion
      直軸 straight shaft
      質(zhì)量 mass
      質(zhì)心 center of mass
      執(zhí)行構(gòu)件 executive link; working link
      質(zhì)徑積 mass-radius product
      智能化設(shè)計 intelligent design, ID
      中間平面 mid-plane
      中心距 center distance
      中心距變動 center distance change
      中心輪 central gear
      中徑 mean diameter
      終止嚙合點(diǎn) final contact, end of contact
      周節(jié) pitch
      周期性速度波動 periodic speed fluctuation
      周轉(zhuǎn)輪系 epicyclic gear train
      肘形機(jī)構(gòu) toggle mechanism
      軸 shaft
      軸承蓋 bearing cup
      軸承合金 bearing alloy
      軸承座 bearing block
      軸承高度 bearing height
      軸承寬度 bearing width
      軸承內(nèi)徑 bearing bore diameter
      軸承壽命 bearing life
      軸承套圈 bearing ring
      軸承外徑 bearing outside diameter
      軸頸 journal
      軸瓦、軸承襯 bearing bush
      軸端擋圈 shaft end ring
      軸環(huán) shaft collar
      軸肩 shaft shoulder
      軸角 shaft angle
      軸向 axial direction
      軸向齒廓 axial tooth profile
      軸向當(dāng)量動載荷 dynamic equivalent axial load
      軸向當(dāng)量靜載荷 static equivalent axial load
      軸向基本額定動載荷 basic dynamic axial load rating
      軸向基本額定靜載荷 basic static axial load rating
      軸向接觸軸承 axial contact bearing
      軸向平面 axial plane
      軸向游隙 axial internal clearance
      軸向載荷 axial load
      軸向載荷系數(shù) axial load factor
      軸向分力 axial thrust load
      主動件 driving link
      主動齒輪 driving gear
      主動帶輪 driving pulley
      轉(zhuǎn)動導(dǎo)桿機(jī)構(gòu) whitworth mechanism
      轉(zhuǎn)動副 revolute (turning) pair
      轉(zhuǎn)速 swiveling speed ; rotating speed
      轉(zhuǎn)動關(guān)節(jié) revolute joint
      轉(zhuǎn)軸 revolving shaft
      轉(zhuǎn)子 rotor
      轉(zhuǎn)子平衡 balance of rotor
      裝配條件 assembly condition
      錐齒輪 bevel gear
      錐頂 common apex of cone
      錐距 cone distance
      錐輪 bevel pulley; bevel wheel
      錐齒輪的當(dāng)量直齒輪 equivalent spur gear of the bevel gear
      錐面包絡(luò)圓柱蝸桿 milled helicoids worm
      準(zhǔn)雙曲面齒輪 hypoid gear
      子程序 subroutine
      子機(jī)構(gòu) sub-mechanism
      自動化 automation
      自鎖 self-locking
      自鎖條件 condition of self-locking
      自由度 degree of freedom, mobility
      總重合度 total contact ratio
      總反力 resultant force
      總效率 combined efficiency; overall efficiency
      組成原理 theory of constitution
      組合齒形 composite tooth form
      組合安裝 stack mounting
      組合機(jī)構(gòu) combined mechanism
      阻抗力 resistance
      最大盈虧功 maximum difference work between plus and minus work
      縱向重合度 overlap contact ratio
      縱坐標(biāo) ordinate
      組合機(jī)構(gòu) combined mechanism
      最少齒數(shù) minimum teeth number
      最小向徑 minimum radius
      作用力 applied force
      坐標(biāo)系 coordinate frame

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