青島希尼爾翻譯咨詢有限公司整理發(fā)布 2015-9-12
大管 2nd engineer, 1st
engineer 絕對壓力 absolute pressure
二管 3rd engineer, 2nd engineer 作用面,壓力面,推進面(螺槳) acting (or
driving) surface (or face)
三管 4th engineer, 3rd engineer 加力渦輪機 additional turbine
幹練船員 AB (= able-seaman) 可調(diào)[整]軸承 adjustable bearing
自動鍋爐控制 ABC (= automatic boiler
control) [可]調(diào)[]距螺槳 adjustable pitch propeller
乙炔產(chǎn)生器 acetylene gas generator 可調(diào)軸承 adjustable shaft
推進面(螺槳) acting surface 調(diào)整[用]軸承 adjusting block
前進速[率](螺槳) advance speed 調(diào)整螺栓 adjusting bolt
空氣螺槳 aerial propeller 前進速[率](螺槳) advance speed
空氣[螺槳]推進船 aerial propeller vessel 空氣推進器,空氣螺槳 aerial
後冷卻器 after cooler 空氣[螺槳]推進船 aerial propeller vessel
空氣冷卻器 air cooler 空氣螺槳 aero-propeller (or aerial
空氣加熱器 air heater 空氣螺槳船 aero-propeller vessel
空氣加熱器 air heater 航空[轉(zhuǎn)用型氣]渦輪機 aero-turbine
中間空氣冷卻器 air inter cooler 最後部軸承 aftermost bearing
空氣預(yù)熱器 air preheater 正硨凸輪 ahead cam
空氣泵 air pump 正俥排氣凸輪 ahead exhaust cam
空氣泵臂 air pump lever 正硨點火凸輪 ahead ignition cam
警鈴,警鐘 alarm bell 正硨噴油凸輪 ahead injection cam
警報偵檢 alarm monitoring 正俥級(渦輪機) ahead stage
警報信號 alarm signal 正俥渦輪機 ahead turbine
警報溫度計 alarm thermometer 氣墊壓力 air cushion pressure
警報閥 alarm valve 空氣馬力 air horsepower
交流發(fā)電機 alternate current generator (or
alternator) 空氣噴油柴油機 air injection diesel engine
沖灰泵 ash ejecting pump 空氣噴射壓力 air injection pressure
連體泵(引擎) attempted pump 空氣起動凸輪 air starting cam
音響警報 audible (or acoustic) alarm 許用壓力,容許壓力 allowable
自動警報器 auto-alarm 交流發(fā)電機 alternate current generator
自動緊急受信機 auto-alarm receiver 周圍壓力 ambient pressure
自動警報器 automatic alarm 壓力角(齒輪) angle of obliqrity
自動警報接收器 automatic alarm receiver 後傾角(螺槳) angle of skew
自動鍋爐控制 automatic boiler control (ABC) 1)螺槳拱
2)孔,口 aperture
鍋爐自動控制系統(tǒng) automatic boiler control
system 實習(xí)輪機員 apprentice engineer
輔鍋爐 auxiliary boiler 裝甲螺栓 armour bolt
輔鍋爐艙 auxiliary boiler room 倒俥凸輪 astern cam
輔循環(huán)泵 auxiliary circulating pump 倒俥排氣凸輪 astern exhaust
輔給水泵 auxiliary feed pump 倒俥點火凸輪 astern ignition cam
輔助發(fā)電機 auxiliary generator 倒俥級(渦輪機) astern stage
軸流泵 axial flow pump 倒俥渦輪機 astern turbine
壓載泵 ballast pump 大氣壓力線 atmospheric line
艙底水,污水 bilge 大氣壓力 atmospheric pressure
污水圓[弧] bilge arc (or circle) 輔柴油機 auxiliary diesel
邊墩,部塢墩 bilge block 輔助發(fā)電機 auxiliary generator
污水板, 污水部艙底板 bilge board 軸流渦輪機 axial flow turbine
污水腋板 bilge bracket 軸向遞增螺距(螺槳) axial increasing pitch
污水部艙底板 bilge ceiling 背面(螺槳) back
污水部支柱(船臺) bilge cod 背壓渦輪機 back pressure turbine
污水艙區(qū) bilge compartment 後柱(主機) back-column or back
部結(jié)構(gòu) bilge construction 球軸承,滾珠軸承 ball bearing
污水抽射器 bilge ejector 滾珠止推軸承,滾珠推力軸承 ball thrust bearing
肋骨 bilge frame 1)棒,條,桿 2)型材 3)酒巴間 4)巴(壓力單位) bar
污水井 bilge hat 壓力計 bar gauge
污水抽射器 bilge injection 包爾瓦赫排汽渦輪機 Baure-Wach exhaust steam
污水噴射閥 bilge injection valve 1)軸承 2)方位 bearing
舭龍骨 bilge keel 軸承銅襯 bearing brass
龍骨 bilge keel 軸承襯套 bearing bush
內(nèi)舭龍骨 bilge keelson 軸承蓋 bearing cap (or keep)
部撐木(下水) bilge log 1)軸承力 2)承[面抗]力 bearing force
污水總管 bilge main 軸承合金 bearing metal
污水管 bilge pipe 1)承受壓力 2)軸承壓力 bearing pressure
板 bilge plank 軸承油環(huán) bearing ring
[艇底]舭水塞 bilge plug 軸承臺 bearing stand
污水泵 bilge pump 1)軸承溫度 2)承受溫度 bearing temperature
曲半徑 bilge radius [螺槳]船後效率 behind efficiency
外把手(救生艇) bilge rail [螺槳]船後試驗 behind test
部撐柱 bilge shore 制動馬力 BHP (= brake horsepower)
穩(wěn)定翼側(cè)板 bilge strake 污水泵 bilge pump
縱肋 bilge stringer 黑皮螺栓 black bolt
污水吸入口 bilge suction 葉片止轉(zhuǎn)器(渦輪機) blade stopper
污水吸入箱 bilge suction box 裝葉,葉系(渦輪機) blading
水吸入管 bilge suction pipe 鼓風(fēng)壓力計 blast air gauge
水櫃 bilge tank 分供渦輪機 bleeder turbine
帆船桅木 bilge timber 1)滑車 2)墩,砧,墊 3)軸承塊 4)船[體分]段
5)船段構(gòu)體 block
污水部渦流 bilge vortex 鍋爐馬力 boiler horsepower
污水,艙底水 bilge water 鍋爐壓力 boiler pressure
污水井 bilge well 鍋垢 boiler scale
污水井 bilge well 螺栓 bolt
浸水艙間 bilged compartment 螺栓壓入器 bolt (or coupling) forcer
鼓風(fēng)加熱器 blast heater 螺栓剪 bolt clippers
分供加熱器 bleeder heater 螺栓割刀 bolt cutter
水手長,帆纜上士 boatswain (or bosun) 螺栓頭 bolt head
1)鍋爐 2)汽鍋 boiler 螺栓接合 bolt joint
鍋爐座 boiler bearer (or saddle, or seating, or
stool) 螺栓尖 bolt point
鍋爐承架 boiler bracket 螺栓墊 bolting pad
1)鍋爐殼 2)鍋爐棚 boiler casing 布頓管式壓力計 Bourdon tube pressure
鍋爐隔熱板 boiler cladding 艏螺槳 bow propeller
[鍋]爐[周]圍間隙 boiler clearance 制動馬力 brake horsepower (BHP)
鍋爐[絕熱]包層 boiler clothing (or lagging) 制動馬力 brake
horsepower (BHP)
鍋爐粉 boiler compound 制動平均有效壓力 brake mean effective
鍋爐架 boiler cradle 制車馬力單位耗油量 brake specific fuel
consumption (BSFC)
[鍋]爐鼓 boiler drum 組合螺槳 built up propeller
鍋爐效率 boiler efficiency 迸裂壓力 bursting pressure
汽鍋給水 boiler feed water 凸輪 cam
鍋爐附件,鍋爐屬具 boiler fittings 凸輪間隙 cam clearance
鍋爐石墨 boiler graphite 凸輪線圖 cam diagram
鍋爐馬力 boiler horsepower 凸輪從動件 cam follower
鍋垢 boiler incrustation 凸輪桿 cam lever
鍋爐襯套 boiler lagging (or clothing) 凸輪機構(gòu) cam mechanism
鍋爐製造廠 boiler maker 凸輪運動齒條 cam movement rack
鍋爐裝件 boiler mountings 凸輪環(huán) cam ring
鍋爐油 boiler oil 凸輪滾子 cam roller
鍋爐臺 boiler pedestal 凸輪滾子導(dǎo)具 cam roller guide
鍋爐板 boiler plate 凸輪軸 cam shaft
鍋爐壓力 boiler pressure 凸輪 cam wheel
鍋爐艙,鍋爐間 boiler room (or space) 壓力中心 center of pressure
鍋爐艙棚 boiler room casing 離心淨(jìng)油機 centrifugal oil purifier
鍋爐艙開口 boiler room opening 給氣壓力 charged air pressure
鍋爐艙口 boiler room opening 充填壓力(氣壓檢查法) charging pressure
鍋爐座 boiler seating 防鬆螺栓 check bolt
鍋爐殼 boiler shell 1)總工程師 2)輪機長 chief engineer
鍋爐工場 boiler shop 圓頭槽螺栓 circular head grooved bolt
鍋爐拉條,鍋爐牽條 boiler stay 緊箝螺栓,結(jié)合螺栓 clenched (or clinched)
鍋爐用鋼 boiler steel 組合燃?xì)鉁u輪機 COGOG (= combined gas turbine
or gas turbine)
鍋爐座 boiler stool 環(huán)領(lǐng)軸承 collar bearing
鍋爐工作衣 boiler suit 環(huán)領(lǐng)止推軸承 collar thrust bearing
鍋爐架 boiler support 混式渦輪機 combination turbine
鍋爐試驗 boiler test 複合燃?xì)鉁u輪機 combined gas turbine and/or gas
turbine (COGAG)
鍋爐試硨 boiler trial 組合衝動[式]渦輪機 combined impulse turbine
鍋爐管 boiler tube 複合渦輪機 combined turbine
爐管箍 boiler tube ferrule 燃燒壓力 combustion pressure
[鍋]爐水 boiler water 複激發(fā)電機 compound dynamo
鍋爐給水櫃 boiler water tank 1)複合規(guī) 2)漲縮錶 3)複合壓力計 compound
蒸發(fā)液化瓦斯加熱器 boil-off gas heater 複激發(fā)電機 compound generator
中間加熱器 booster heater 複合衝動渦輪機 compound impulse turbine
增壓泵 booster pump 複式壓力計 compound pressure gauge
艏螺槳 bow propeller 複式渦輪機 compound turbine
鹵水冷卻器 brine cooler 壓縮壓力 compression pressure